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Thilo Muster: Bachiana balcanica – integral version
Thilo Muster, organ – Neues Orchester Basel, dir. Christian Knüsel Live-recording of the world premiere on May, 14th 2023 on the Metzler-Klahre organ in Stadtcasino Basel/Switzerland
Bachiana balcanica – Teaser Uraufführung
Thilo Muster, Orgel; Neues Orchester Basel, dir. Christian Knüsel
Uraufführung am 14. Mai 2023 im Stadtcasino Basel an der Metzler-Klahre-Orgel
Konzert in Erlach/BE am 19.02.2023
Samuel Freiburghaus, Taragot und Thilo Muster, Metzler-Orgel der ref. Kirche Erlach
Eduardo Arolas: El Marne – Tango
Arranged for organ and played by Thilo Muster
Recorded at ref. Kirche Arlesheim/CH
Jānis Ivanovs, Concerto for Cello
Recorded during the second Orgelfestival im Stadtcaisno Basel, 2021/9/5
Gunta Abele, Cello – Thilo Muster, Organ
Interview: the New Organ in Stadtcasino Basel (in Swiss German)
Johannes Schlaefli, Directorof the Collegium Musicum Basel in an interview with Thilo Muster
Recorded at the Metzler-Klahre-Organ in Stadtcasino Basel/Switzerland
CD Bruckner Sympony IX – Organ Solo Version
«spieltechnisch und musikalisch eine absolute Meisterleistung von grosser Konzentration, Gedankentiefe und Klangschönheit!»
»…this recording is a wonderful listening experience. The opening of the first movement, with its low D-pedal, could not sound more appropriate and captivating than if the listener were sitting in the wooden rows of the Abby at St. Florian and the organ in the loft was beginning to breathe life into the opening of the symphony at the hands and feet of the Master in his day. Throughout the movement, the overall pacing and motion of the themes are fluid. Individual lines are expressed with clarity and recognizable timbre. Perhaps the dynamics between sections could be more pronounced, but climaxes are big and the ending exhilarating. The Scherzo has a nice spirited bounce to it, with an idiosyncratic reedy quality to the sound of the interplay of the various voices.
The Adagio is an aural experience. The harmonies Bruckner engaged in the movement are quite daring – when performed on organ, the layering in which they are achieved is especially enlightening. Timbres and voicings flow in a way that some might not appreciate in the context of an orchestral performance. And by the time the movement culminates in the dissonant chord of the climax, the emotion wrought in the moment is ever-more powerful. The ascension of the final notes is sublime, especially the final decay of sound given the acoustic of the church.«
« Mûrement réfléchie, son interprétation tient du défi, tant il parait ardu de remplacer cent musiciens par un seul. Le résultat est à la hauteur de l’attente, le jeu est profond, posé, jamais virtuose dans le sens de démonstratif, et l’intégration des parties orchestrales nombreuses demeure un tour de force parfaitement réussi et convaincant. Le scherzo est particulièrement impressionnant par son élan, comme une course à l’abîme ça et là parsemée de larges respirations. »
»…Muster…goes beyond the usual bombast by creating subtle momentums in the music, and conveying so much expression in those deepest notes…That creates a brilliant sonic weave in the music where you fall in and out of the old familiar Bruckner and discover a new side to the man.
Anton Bruckner fans should immediately check it out and compare this Symphony No. 9 to others. It’s time well spent.«
»I say this is a pretty cool record. The tones and timbers of a large pipe organ are stirring and will probably always be associated in my mind with Halloween. Bruckner’s Symphony No. 9 gives Thilo Muster a fertile playground to work with. The dynamics range from terrifying when the low tegister of the organ are fully engaged to pastoral. As a history nerd, I like that the recording is preserving a bit of performance history that has been almost forgotten.«
Horatio Parker: Organ Concerto in E-flat minor op. 55
Thilo Muster, organ; Collegium Musicum Basel, Johannes Schlaefli, Direction Recorded at the Metzler-Klahre-organ in Stadtcasino Basel/Switzerland
Gabriel Pierné – Prélude op. 29
Thilo Muster an der Neidhardt & Lhôte-Orgel der reformierten Kirche Arlesheim/Schweiz
Coming Soon! Bruckner’s Ninth –
recorded in St. Martin Dudelange/Luxemburg
CD Taragot & Organ – Music from the Balkans
Samuel Freiburghaus, Taragot, Klarinette, Frula, Bassethorn, Tilinca
Thilo Muster, Orgel
Nehrun Aliev, Cajon, Darabukka, Bendir
Musik des Balkans, der Zigeuner und Ostjuden.
Aufgenommen auf der Neidhart & Lhôte-Orgel in der reformierten Kirche Arlesheim.
Diese CD+ enthält ein Musikvideo!
hier bestellen Schauen Sie sich auch unseren Teaser an!
…a disc of traditional music from the Balkans that is both compelling and entertaining. The wild abandon of the gypsy style is delivered with innate conviction and provides a fascinating insight into music from this region. The choice of organ is ideal, at times giving the impression that a whole band is playing. If you want the novelty of an organ recording that will make you want to party and dance, then buy this.
…Who can step over prejudices and listens to what really matters, will enjoy two outstanding and versatile musicians who touch, with an unusual and strange combination, the soul of the mostly Eastern European music.
Read the whole article here (in Dutch)
Lesen Sie hier den vollständigen Text
…Ein Sound, der unmittelbar unter die Haut geht und manch einen an die frühen 1970er Jahre erinnern dürfte. Damals veröffentlichte der Schweizer Musiksammler Marcel Cellier seine erste Schallplatte mit einem Panflötenspieler namens Gheorge Zamfir.
Zur fremdartigen Melodik und Harmonik gesellen sich in vielen der hier zu hörenden Stücke auch noch für den Balkan typische, sogenannte «asymmetrische» Rhythmen hinzu. Und obwohl beide Musiker nicht mit dieser Musik aufgewachsen sind, sondern sie sozusagen «aus zweiter Hand» erlernt haben, wirken ihre Improvisationen erstaunlich authentisch und unverkrampft. Besonders der Orgelpart des in Deutschland geborenen und seit langem in der Schweiz wirkenden Thilo Muster ist – im Unterschied zu Marcel Celliers damaligen Pionieraufnahmen – absolut vollwertig.
Auch wenn Samuel Freiburghaus, der Solist, hier und da zu Klarinette, Frula oder Bassetthorn greift, was den hier präsentierten Kosmos mündlich überlieferter osteuropäischer Musiktradition umso bunter macht: Der «Star» dieser CD bleibt dennoch das Taragot mit seinem dunkel-expressiven Timbre, das wie aus einer versunkenen Welt herübertönt.
Listen here to the whole broadcast!
Thilo Muster à l’orgue mène l’ensemble de mains de maître. Remplaçant l’orchestre habituel, les réductions au clavier sont nombreuses et les arrangements de mise, pour un résultat très convaincant, comme si tout cela avait miraculeusement toujours existé.
Une musique des Balkans, jubilatoire et réjouissante à découvrir ou approfondir, sans restriction !
Read the whole review here (in French)
Bruckner’s 9th on the organ: a whole symphony—a single player
Recorded on the Füglister organ at Marienkirche, Basel
Tarakima (trad. Azerbaijan)
Samuel Freiburghaus, frula; Thilo Muster, organ – Recorded at Eglise Saint-Vincent-de-Xaintes in Urrugne/Pays Basque, France
Grana od Bora (trad. Bosnia)
Samuel Freiburghaus, taragot, Thilo Muster, orgue – recorded at église St-Vincent, Urrugne/Pays Basque, France
Taragot & Organ @ Festival »Toulouse les Orgues«
Samuel Freiburghaus, taragot and Thilo Muster, organ in Basilique St-Sernin, Toulouse
at the Festival »Toulouse les Orgues«, on octobre, 8th, 2016
Huzur Aksamı / Offering @ Festival »Toulouse les Orgues«
Samuel Freiburghaus, basset horn and Thilo Muster, organ in Basilique St-Sernin, Toulouse
at the Festival «Toulouse les Orgues», 8th October 2016
William Inglot, »The Leaves bee Greene«
Thilo Muster at the Renaissance-Organ of Predigerkirche, Basel
Trad. Romania: Hora lautareasca
Thilo Muster at the Neidhardt & Lhôte-Organ of the reformed Church of Arlesheim/Switzerland
William Inglot (1544-1621): The Leaves bee greene
Thilo Muster at the Renaissance Organ of Predigerkirche Basel/Switzerland
Johann Staden (1581-1634): Toccata Giov. Staden
Thilo Muster at the Renaissance-Organ of Predigerkirche Basel/Switzerland
Johann Staden (1581-1634): Allamanda varirt.
Thilo Muster at the Renaissance Organ of Predigerkirche Basel/Switzerland
CD Taragot & Organ – Release Teaser
Samuel Freiburghaus, Taragot
Thilo Muster, Organ
Video: “Uppon la-mi-re” (anonymus 16th century)
Video: Doina “Sus pe culmea dealului” for Frula, Taragot & Organ.
Thilo Muster: organ
Samuel Freiburghaus: taragot & frula
At the wind-dynamic Metzler-organ (2011) of Stadtkirche Biel, Switzerland.
Video: Sotu Sotu for Taragot and Organ
Video: J.S.Bach, “Vom Himmel Hoch”
Played by Thilo Muster in St. Peter’s Cathedral, Geneva
CD: Brandenburg Concerti
J.S. Bach: Brandenburg Concerti Nos. 1 – 2 – 4 and other transcriptions by Eberhard Klotz for solo instruments and obbligato organ. Recorded at the copy of the Silbermann-organ at Glauchau/Saxony by Jürgen Ahrend in Porrentruy, Switzerland
Download Booklet BUY ONLINEGawain Glenton: cornetto
Frans Berglund: baroque trumpet & slide trumpet
Daniel Hauptmann: baroque violin
Thilo Muster: organ
Press Reviews
CD: John Bull
John Bull: Selected Keyboard Music. Thilo Muster at the historic organ of Saint-Thomas de Cantorbéry in Mont Saint Aignan (Normandy) Works by Dr. John Bull (1563-1628)
BUY ONLINEPress Reviews
CD: Suites for Souvigny
Thilo Muster playing the François-Henry Clicquot Organ (1783) in the abbey church Souvigny/France with works by Guilain, Rebel, Rameau, Marais, Beauvarlet-Charpentier, and Bovet.